I hereby submit my DerbyWheel Player Application to be considered for entry into the process to be a Certified and Licensed DerbyWheel Player. I fully understand and agree that there are several steps in the process to be a Certified and Licensed DerbyWheel Player. I will complete the required education and training as presented by DerbyWheel Inc with my best efforts.
I fully understand and agree that despite my best efforts I may not succeed in becoming a Certified and Licensed DerbyWheel Player. I fully understand and agree that all decisions regarding acceptance or rejection at each step of the Certified and Licensed DerbyWheel process is made unilaterally by Derby Wheel.
CAREER: (Please list separately your career as a cyclist. Please list highlights from your Domestic and International results, achievements, special awards, recognition etc. and attach to this DerbyWheel Player Application. On the same attachment please also list your other life experiences and other achievements that you feel should be in consideration that would further justify your entry into the process to be a Certified and Licensed DerbyWheel Player.)or use the Comments box below for the above information
200m Flying Start Most Recent
500m Standing Start Career
500m Standing Start Most Recent
1000m Standing Start Career
1000m Standing Start Career Recent
I confirm that all the information on this DerbyWheel Application regarding my cycling career and achievements is true as well as the provided documentation and materials that confirms my submitted information.
Applications will be accepted starting October 1st 2022
Player registration has been completed.